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MAY 3 - 4, 2024


Featuring work by Michael Brouillet, Anne Gudrun, Elspeth Hart, Sandrine Pelissier. Linda Ramsden. Colette Tan, Tanya Vipond and Joanne White





1178 Welch Street, North Vancouver



Opening Hours

FRI | 7 PM  - 9 PM | Art, Wine & Conversation

SAT | 11 AM  - 6 PM | Art, Live Music & Conversation





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2024 Landscapes Exhibition


MAY 27 - JUN16, 2024





FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC








Eastside Atelier



An ongoing gallery at Eastside studio space.




STUDIO 10G (Back entrance)

1310 William Street, Vancouver, BC V5L 3K7



Opening Hours

By Appointment |



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Nomad Gallery





Special Feature Work at Nomad Gallery for summer 2023.


NOMAD GALLERY | 1377 Johnston Rd, White Rock BC



Opening Hours

TUE - SAT | 10 AM  - 5 PM





Van Dop Gallery




Selected pieces adopted by Van Dop Gallery


VAN DOP GALLERY | 421 Richmond St, New Westminster BC



Opening Hours

TUE - SAT | 10 AM  - 5 PM





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Animals Exhibition


JAN 30 - FEB18, 2024


Discover the captivating world of fauna through the lens of artistic expression in the Animals Exhibition at the Federation Gallery. Immerse yourself in the magical interpretations as talented artists bring the animal kingdom to life through diverse mediums. 'Animals' invites you to explore the beauty, mystery, and interconnectedness of the animal realm, transcending boundaries between art and nature.​


FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 5 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 4 PM

*First Tuesday of the exhibition opens at 10am



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Art Rental Show


FEB 24 - APR 6, 2024


Experience the new 2024 Art Rental collection at CityScape Community ArtSpace. This juried collection which includes 2 of my artworks is open for in-person and online viewing throughout the year.​



335 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC


Opening Hours

WED - SAT | 10 AM  - 5 PM

MON + TUE | By Appointment 





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'Deck The Walls'


DEC 8 - 9, 2023


Annual Group Show at Welch Street Studio 





1178 Welch Street, North Vancouver



Opening Hours

FRI | 5 PM  - 10 PM

SAT - SUN | 11 AM  - 6 PM





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27th Eastside Culture Crawl


NOV 16 - 19, 2023


A Visual Arts, Design and Crafts Festival where thousands visit the works of 500+ artists within the eastside crawl vincinity. An annual art event not to be missed!




STUDIO 10G (Back entrance)

1310 William Street, Vancouver, BC V5L 3K7



Opening Hours

THURS - FRI | 5 PM  - 10 PM

SAT - SUN | 11 AM  - 6 PM

Admission Fee: ¥300 / ¥200 for students, ¥150 children under 15.





Almost Famous Gallery


Till DEC 2023



A collective consisting of seven artists from Eastside Atelier Studios. 




ALMOST FAMOUS GALLERY | 202-555 Burrard Street, Bentall Tower 2. Lower Mall, Vancouver BC



Opening Hours

MON - FRI | 10 AM  - 2 PM





6th AIMPE 


OCT 7 - NOV 12, 2023



AIMPE2013 was first held in 2013 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of The Hall of Awa Japanese Handmade Paper, and this year marks the sixth biennial exhibition.

Symposiums and workshops are also planned during the exhibition period.



141 Kawahigashi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima

116 Tateishi, Yamakawa, Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima



Opening Hours

TUE - SAT | 10 AM  - 5 PM

Admission Fee: ¥300 / ¥200 for students, ¥150 children under 15.





13th Annual
North Shore Art Crawl


OCT  13 - 15, 2023



Welcome to my inaugural art show at The North Shore Art Crawl at Welch Street Studios.

NSCA is a free annual weekend event hosted by North Van Arts, celebrating local arts. Visit galleries, studios, and other venues, from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove, to enjoy the vibrancy of the arts on the North Shore.



1178 Welch Street, North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B2



Opening Hours

FRI | 7 - 9 PM

SAT - SUN | 11 AM  - 5 PM





2023 Abstracted Exhibition


SEP 19 - OCT 1, 2023


In-gallery and online, juried exhibition.​


FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 5 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 4 PM

*First Tuesday of the exhibition opens at 10am



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2023 North Shore Art Rental


SEP 1- 23, 2023


​Art rental is an affordable and flexible way to enjoy original 2-dimensional art. The Art Rental Programme represents approximately 150 artists with over 400 original works in a wide variety of styles and subjects.



CityScape Community Art Space
335 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, BC V7M 2G3


Opening Hours

MON - WED | 9 AM – 5 PM
| 9 AM – 8 PM
FRI | 9 AM - 5 PM
SAT |12 PM – 5 PM



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2023 Landscapes Exhibition


SEP 5 - 17, 2023


In this exhibition, artwork is displayed to the public 'salon style', mirroring the official art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In stunning cohesion, the final result will be a glorious, high-volume display of hundreds of artworks. Come visit the gallery from September 5th - 17th!


FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 5 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 4 PM

*First Tuesday of the exhibition opens at 10am



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2023 Landscapes Exhibition


JUN 12 - JUL 2, 2023


A misconception about landscape paintings is that they are simply a depiction of a place; in fact, landscape painting is a method of self-expression, portraying the emotions of the painter and highlighting their appreciation of nature and the world around them. In the 2023 Landscapes Exhibition, do come and allow us to share my reverence for the natural and man-made world and showcase what makes these locations special. Join us for this year's exhibition from June 12th - July 2nd!


FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 5 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 4 PM

*First Monday of the exhibition opens at 1pm



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Escape Into Art

Jun 2 - 3, 2023


A group art show put together for the summer. Many new works and live music on the opening night. 



EASTSIDE ATELIER | 1310 William St, Vancouver, BC





Opening Hours

FRI | 5 - 10 PM

SAT | 12 - 6 PM



Panorama: Personal, Present, Past

May 3 - 28, 2023


Dramatic vistas, real and imagines, past and present. This juried duo exhibition features two talented artists whose use of wood in the making of their creative process brings a new dimension to woodcut prints and painting on wood. Come drop by and check out the detailed woodcut prints by Rick Herdman & etherial semi-abstract paintings by Colette Tan


SILK PURSE ARTS CENTRE | 1570 Argyle Ave, West Vancouver 


Opening Hours

WED - SUN | 12 - 4 PM



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Federation of Canadian Artists Online Exhibition

May 1 - 14, 2023


The Online Exhibition and Calendar Contest is an annual opportunity for our talented member artists to have their work featured in our yearly calendar! Fourteen of the top scoring artworks will become part of the 2024 FCA calendar. The Online Exhibition serves as a preview of what to expect in the calendar, and highlights some of the best works from our artists all across the country! Sales from the calendar and artworks help support our non-profit organization.


FEDERATION GALLERY ONLINE |1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC 




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Solo Exhibition


APR 8, 2023


Special curated artwork for the solo event of the evening.


Solo Exhibition | 120 West Hastings, Vancouver BC, CA







Opening Hours

SAT | 8 PM  - 3 AM





2023 Small Exhibition


APR 4 - 14, 2023


The beautiful thing about small artworks is that they invite the viewer to look closely. To spend time with a painting, to marvel at its details and the skill with which the artist composed it. There is something incredibly special and intimate about small artworks, and they are a perfect way to freshen up your dwelling for spring. You can add a little something to your gallery wall, or add a unique touch to a space that's lacking artwork! With over one hundred pieces in this year's Small Exhibition there's something for everyone to enjoy.


FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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Artist Feature
Federation Gallery


MAR 1 - 31, 2023


I am honoured to have been chosen as the Federation Gallery's featured artist for the month. With 17 pieces, this is by far the most extensive collection of works for the feature wall. The 'Snow-Mountain' theme is perfect for this month as we slowly transition out of snowy weather, leaving behind these beautiful images of British Columbia's snow mountains captured on this collection.


Here is the link to view the full collection



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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Animalis Exhibition


MAR 7 - 19, 2023


Depicting animals in art is nothing new, in fact it dates back over 17,000 years ago to the Lascaux caves. So what keeps artists returning to this captivating and inspiring subject matter? Find out in our latest exhibition, Animalis! From works about rural life and furry friends, to majestic creatures in the wild, animals are used in art in a multitude of ways. These pieces can help us reflect on the ways we care for wildlife and the environment, and our relationships with those animals that are part of the family.



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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Online Federation Showcase


MAR 1 - 31, 2023


The Online Federation Showcase is an online-only exhibition that highlights the diverse range of work being created by our talented member artists! This is a great opportunity for collectors to see works from artists both near and far, as the online only component eliminates the cost of shipping for most artists. Featuring both two dimensional and sculpture works, you'll see a beautiful collection of pieces in this showcase!



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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Works on Paper Exhibition


JAN 24 - FEB 5, 2023


Discover a reverence for paper in the Federation Gallery's latest exhibition! Paper has been a primary substrate of choice for centuries. Celebrated by watercolourists, print-makers, acrylic, oil and pastel artists alike, this support is as diverse and creative as the media artists use on it. The 2023 Works on Paper Exhibition is on view from January 24 - February 5th.



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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Active Member Exhibition


JAN 31 - 12, 2022


The Federation Gallery's first exhibition of the year highlights the Active Members! These artists who have been successfully juried into Active status within our organization are showcasing their works in the styles and subjects they're currently focused on. There is a beautiful and diverse selection of works available, from animals to landscapes, sculptures, portraits, and more. Join us to ring in the new year with this exceptional exhibition!



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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Mixed Exhibition


OCT 31 - NOV 13, 2022


Mixed media artworks are becoming increasingly popular among both artists and collectors, as new media is discovered and developed and fresh ways to use media are being explored. In the Federation’s first exhibition dedicated to mixed media artwork, you'll find a wide range of styles that explore the materiality of art making. From collage to assemblage and everything in between, these artworks are made through a combination of traditional and some non-traditional materials. You'll see two-dimensional works with all manner of paints, pastels and charcoals, as well as thorns, string, metal, wood, plastic, and more. Be sure to visit the Federation Gallery from October 31st - November 13th to enjoy the visual treat that is the 2022 Mixed Exhibition!



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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Abstracted Exhibition


AUG 15 - 28, 2022


Abstract art makes meaning of the world around us by reshaping it through colour, line, form and texture. It highlights the role of imagination in the process of creation. It demands close observation and deep reflection. One must take a good long look to carefully unveil the layers that are unfolding on the canvas. Abstraction in its many forms highlights the beauty that artists can create when they seek to work outside of the everyday.



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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2022 Landscapes Exhibition


MAY 23 - JUN 5, 2022


Landscape art encompasses a variety of scenes; they might be entirely imaginary, or they could be copied from reality with a range of accuracy. Some landscape artists work from photos they've taken on their journeys in nature, while others chose to work from memory, allowing their intuition to guide them to recreate the feeling of being in the great outdoors or on a busy city street. Landscape painting continues to be a popular subject matter for both our artists and our collectors, and we are delighted to be bringing the Landscapes exhibition back to you. Browse through this work and allow yourself to be immersed in scenery that blends dream and reality.



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM  - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM  - 3 PM



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Eastside Atelier Art Show + First Saturdays


Jun 3 - Jun 4, 2022


At Eastside Atelier, we pulled together to present a creative, artistic escape for your imagination and curiosity. If you did not know, Eastside Atelier is one of the biggest art studios in Vancouver, nestling 47 art spaces.  As you guess, with an abundance of creativity, unique styles and provoking art work it is definitely worth a visit.

"Escape into Art" Group show will be featuring over 20 artists. You will get a sneak peek at our intimate art studios and inquire about our individual processes and inspiration. If you have not visited us since the Eastside Cultural Crawl, we think you will be pleasantly surprised with the fresh look, and our gallery salon style presentation.

So don't wait till the next Crawl, come June 3rd or June 4th, bring a friend, your kids, your parents, your furry family member or even a date!

Its an opportunity to escape from the day to day hustle, and see what is happening behind the scenes in our vibrant Vancouver art community. 
Feel free to share our invite! 



EASTSIDE ATELIER | 1310 William Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours 

FRI    |    5 PM  - 10 PM

SAT   | 11 AM  - 6 PM



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JUN 6 - JUN 26, 2022


The Annual International Mail-In Art Exhibition has returned! This exhibition was initially established with the intent to provide an affordable way for artists across the world to exhibit in Canada, and compete with fellow artists on a global scale for prize awards and peer recognition. It is also an opportunity for the Federation to introduce art collectors to new artists who might be outside of our membership, and collect artworks at a very great value! Enjoy this selection of artworks from six different countries.



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


Opening Hours

MON - SAT | 10 AM - 6 PM

SUN | 10 AM - 3 PM      




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May 16 - 22, 2022


The 2022 Spotlight Exhibition not only highlights a selection of incredible artworks, it's also an opportunity for us to celebrate our collectors! The Federation Gallery's patrons allow us to support artists through art sales, as well as educational courses, lectures, mentorship programs, and cash awards for artistic excellence.


To honour art enthusiasts and patrons in all you do for Canadian Arts and Culture, please join us for an Opening Reception on Tuesday, May 17th from 6 PM - 8 pm.

There will be champagne, light refreshments and door prizes.

Thank you to the patrons who support Canadian artists! Without your passion for seeing beauty in the world, professional artists couldn’t survive. This is your night to be recognized.



FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA



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365 Online Exhibition


May 1 - 31, 2022


The 365 Online Exhibition is an annual exhibition and competition that showcases seasonally themed artworks. Artists have submitted their works to compete for the opportunity to be featured in the 2023 Federation Art Calendar. This exhibition is a stunning tribute to the changing seasons, and is rife with nostalgia and wistfulness. Please enjoy this selection of seasonally sensational artworks!




FEDERATION GALLERY | 1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver BC, CA


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How The Light Gets In


Mar 2 - Apr 3, 2022


“There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” -Leonard Cohen

The suggestion of luminosity in art is the focus of our March exhibition. Spring is the promise

of longer days and indeed more light.



THE GALLERY GEORGE | 1502 East Hastings St

​Opening Hours | Wed - Sun noon - 6pm



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2021 Exhibitions


"Surfacing" Juried Exhibition

THE GALLERY AT THE CULTCH     | Nov 1 - Nov 31, 2021


25th Eastside Culture Crawl

EASTSIDE ATELIER                     | Nov 12 - Nov 21, 2021


contact colette

collections are exhibited at galleries / sold online*


eastside atelier | studio 10g

1310 william street | vancouver


*studio visits by appointments only




*if any, updated 24 march 2022 


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